Ruby entered the outside world on March 28, at 11:47am. During the night around 2:30am Hannah started to have contractions that wouldn't go away. She woke Marty after some time and they decided that they had better go to the hospital to make sure that the Group B Strep medicine was in her body in time. They woke up Grammy and told her the exciting news, it was finally Go Time! After checking in at the hospital and being hooked up to monitors the midwife checked and Hannah was dilated to a five. The IV was put in and they moved to the delivery floor from the triage area. Hannah and Marty walked the halls for awhile, the contractions were still not too bad yet. Having not gotten a lot of sleep, Hannah wanted to rest in the hot bathtub for awhile. She fell asleep and her IV arm fell in the tub:) The contractions still were not unbearable and kind of stalled out so they decided to walk again. This time, while walking, the contractions were close together and quite painful. Hannah had to stop in the hallway and breathe through each contraction. After she had enough of this they went back to their room where she was checked again and was finally at an 8. Hannah paced back and forth in the room and when a contraction came rested over the bed with Marty massaging her back. The midwife suggested that she sit on the exercise ball to move things along, this helped because finally it was push time! After excruciating pain pushing, Hannah was able to reach down and pull the baby out and onto her chest. Relief!! The baby was face down on her chest being rubbed down, so they still didn't know if it was a girl or a boy. Finally after 30 seconds or so they turned her over and it was a girl! Hannah and Marty looked at each other and laughed with joy and surprise because Hannah was sure that it was a boy. Ruby Osborne Troyer was finally here!
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